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Reference Checking

Setup and utilise Reference Checking directly within Talos

Kate Jones avatar
Written by Kate Jones
Updated over a month ago

Reference can be requested from the candidate and referees directly from within Talos by using our custom built Reference feature!

References can be requested and viewed all in on location against the candidate's application making it easy to review where candidates references are up to.

Information: there are several permissions related to Referencing:

No permissions selected:

  • User does not have access to the referencing feature


  • User can view the accordion, and progress Reference checks against candidates

  • User cannot action anything else within the Reference accordion


  • User can view the accordion, and progress Reference checks against candidates

  • User can change the status of Reference checks - move to Proceed with Hire or Withdraw Offer; move back to In Progress

  • User can cancel a Reference check, and resume a cancelled Reference check

  • User cannot request new checks


  • User can view the accordion, and progress Reference checks against candidates

  • User can request new checks

  • User can cancel a Reference check, and resume a cancelled Reference check

  • User cannot change the status of Reference checks - move to Proceed with Hire or Withdraw Offer; move back to In Progress

Note: to amend the Referencing forms that are created when the feature is switched on, you will need access to the 'Forms' client administration user permission.

Reference Checking

Forms Administration

When the Referencing feature has been switched on, on your system, two new forms will be created:

  • Referencing Form Personal

  • Referencing Form Professional

These forms have standard questions already created against the form, however, you can amend these to suit as needed. To amend a form, click on 'Edit and Replace' and amend the form to suit your specific needs:

You can learn more about Form Administration by viewing our other guides on this feature here.

Sending a Reference Check

Navigate to the candidates application that you would like to setup reference checks for and click on the 'Referencing' accordion which will give you some options to complete:

Select the number of professional and personal references that are needed for the candidates check and add in any colleagues from the drop-down who need to be notified and then click on 'Send Request':

When adding in a professional/personal referee, this will show you a dropdown of which form you would like to use for this check - if you use multiple forms you can select the required form here:

Click on 'Send Request' which will email the candidate to provide the referee details for how many checks and type of checks, have been requested of them.

This will update the status of the candidates Reference check to 'In Progress' and you can review the status of the reference request within the accordion:

You can add additional referees to the request by clicking on the icon after the last referee.

From here, you will see the number of references that have been requested, and once the candidate has completed the details of the referees, this will also be visible in the accordion.

You will also be able to see the number of referees who have completed their reference in the upper section of the accordion, as well as when the references where requested.

Once the details of the referees have been completed, you will be able to view the details of the referee by clicking on the ‘Referee’ tab:

Under the ‘Reference’ tab, you will be able to enter the reference manually if this has already been provided, or you will be able to resend the email to the referee for them to complete the reference for the candidate, if the referee has requested for the email to be resent:

When a referee has completed their reference, the accordion will update once more. Under the ‘References’ tab, this will show the completed form the referee has completed, and on the status bar across the top of the accordion, this will update the ‘References Completed’ with the number that has completed their reference:

If the reference check needs to be withdrawn, cancelled, or you would like to proceed with the hire, click on the 3 dot menu in the upper right-hand corner of the accordion and select the relevant option from the drop-down:


Reference Statuses Information:

  • Cancelling the check will update the accordion status to reflect the check has been cancelled (the candidate/referees will not be notified).

  • You can revert this status by clicking on the 3-dot menu again and clicking on ‘Mark in Progress’, which will update the accordion status.

  • Withdrawing the offer will update the status if the accordion to ‘Withdraw offer’ (the candidate/referees will not be notified).

  • You can revert this status by clicking on the 3-dot menu again and clicking on ‘Mark in Progress’, which will update the accordion status.

  • Proceeding with the hire will mark the reference check as completed (the candidate/referees will not be notified) and the accordion status will be updated to reflect this.

  • You can revert this status by clicking on the 3-dot menu again and clicking on ‘Mark in Progress’, which will update the accordion status.


The professional reference form hasn't been completed and I can only see basic details supplied. Why is this?

Referee's can opt to only provide basic details as part of the reference checking, which may be due to their company policy. In this instance, only the basic details of the candidate will be verified by the referee.

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