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Microsoft Entra SSO Setup

Configure SSO with your Talos ATS

Adam Kavanagh avatar
Written by Adam Kavanagh
Updated over 4 months ago

SSO via Microsoft Entra can be configured within Talos as an authentication method.

To setup SSO, a member of your IT team, with access to setup Enterprise Applications will need to complete the below steps.

Setting up Talos ATS Enterprise Application

Info: Before the below steps are completed, the SSO Authentication method will need to be enabled on your ATS. Please speak to a member of the Support Team who will be able to switch this on for you.

Go to the Talos Login page and click on 'Sign in with Microsoft':

This will redirect you to a Microsoft login page. Sign in with your Microsoft work domain account that has permissions to setup Enterprise Applications within Azure:

Once authenticated, a permission request will be shown for the Enterprise Application to be added to your Azure tenancy. Click 'Accept' to add the TalosATS application:

Once the application has been added to your Azure tenancy, this will allow users to sign in to Talos using SSO.

Note: user accounts within your Office 365/Azure tenancy will need to be assigned a license to be able to utilize using SSO.

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