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Create and amend your Careers Page
Create and amend your Careers Page

Create and amend your own careers page directly in Talos

Ben Gilchrist avatar
Written by Ben Gilchrist
Updated over 3 months ago

Unlock the Full Potential of your Careers Site with Talos.

With Talos' Careers Page Builder, you have complete control over your careers site. From creating the site to adding additional pages and tailoring content to perfectly reflect your brand image, our platform offers unparalleled flexibility and ease of use.

This article covers all the essential tools and features available to help you create a standout careers site.

Note: you will need access to the 'Careers Page Management' permission to be able to access the Site Builder.

Creating your Site

To create a new careers site you will need to access the 'Site Configuration' administration screen.

Select the relevant site type from the available options shown on screen. A breakdown of each option can be viewed here.

On the next page, give you site a name and then click on 'Create Site':

Once the site has been created, this will take you to the 'My Sites' page, where you can view all careers sites that have been created on your system, and gives you the ability to amend your site as needed:

The new site will be created as an 'Unpublished' site and will be created with 4 default pages:

  • Home

  • Vacancies

  • Job Description

  • Privacy Policy

These pages are created with default branding images and colour schemes, however, these can be updated to suit your brand images.

Amending your Site Settings

To edit your site, click on the 'Edit' button on the 'My Sites' page:

This will load your careers page, including showing what pages have been created for your site as well as various options in the left-hand column. Each option will be covered separately below.

After any changes that have been made on your careers page, the button in the top right-hand corner of the page will change to 'Save Changes'. Click on this button to save your changes:

Site Navigation

The Site Navigation option allows you to setup navigation items which allows users to move around your careers page. The items can be added to the header on your careers page as either individual items or as part of a dropdown list.

The layout of the menu can also be updated, including removing the menu altogether.

To amend the layout of the menu, click the 'Layout' dropdown and select the relevant option from the list:

Under the 'Navigation' dropdown this will list all of the navigation items that have been created on your site. By default, this will show a 'Vacancies' item:

You can amend an item by clicking on the edit icon and then changing the details on the 'Edit Item' pop-out screen:

You have the ability to amend the title, and where the item will 'link to' or redirect the user to once clicked on the page.

You can link the item to a specific page that has been created on your site, a web address or an email address. For the web address and email address options, the 'Page Location' dropdown will change to a free text box with additional options to complete:

Page Link:

Web Address Link:

Email Address Link:

Create a new Navigation Item

To create a new navigation item click on the 'Add Item' or, to create a new dropdown to add items to click on 'Add Dropdown' in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen:

Adding a new item, you will just need the navigation title, where the item links to and the additional detail for the link such as page location etc.

Adding a new dropdown item, you will need the dropdown title as well as the pages you would like to add to the dropdown.


The footer contains options to add in the URL of your corporate website, as well as your company social account pages, as well as updating your company name as displayed on your sites site:

When making a change on this section, the 'Footer Preview' will update at the bottom of the page to show you how the footer will look before saving your changes:

Brand Styles

Brand Styles allows you to update certain branding options on you site, including header and favicon logos, how buttons are displayed on your site, the typography, the distance between sections on a page and adding images against your vacancies.

General Branding

This is where you can update the header and favicon logos for you careers site. The header logo can also be increased in size under General Branding, ranging from 32 pixels up to 80 pixels square.

You can also update the 'Master background colour of your site too. A short description for each setting is shown within the left-hand panel:


Settings shown under the 'Buttons' section are all related to updated the look and feel of the buttons shown across your careers site. Options include colour of the background and text as well as the how the corners are shown for the buttons (square or circular).

The button examples will update as you change the settings, showing you how the buttons will look before saving your changes.


Update the settings related to the typography on your careers site. You can update the header text and colours, as well as the text shown across your careers site, choosing from a range of available fonts within Careers Page Builder:

The text within the left-hand sidebar and the careers page viewer on the right-hand side of the page will update as changes are made, to show you how the page will look before you changes are saved.


The layout setting will allow you to control the distance between sections on a page using the slider in the left-hand sidebar:


Vacancies posted on Talos can also have custom images assigned to them at the point of posting a role. Under the Vacancy Images setting, you can select the set of images you want to assign to a vacancy.

You will need to setup a new Vacancy Custom Filter using the 'Images' type and upload the images from your device you would like to assign to vacancies on Talos:

Create a custom vacancy, like the below example:

Once the custom filter has been saved, under the 'Vacancies' setting against your site, select the relevant Vacancy Images set from the available dropdown options:

The images will become available to select when posting a role on Talos on the mappings screen.


The SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) section includes all settings to update the SEO of your careers site, including the SEO title, add a description as well as the social image that is shown on social networks:

You can update the SEO of your Home and Vacancies pages.

Site Settings

Site settings enables you to:

  • Delete or Unpublish your site

  • Update the URL of your careers site

  • Amend the cookie banner and the consent type

  • Enable Google Analytics on your careers site

If your site is unpublished, any roles that are posted to the site will no longer be live as the site will be removed from being a live site.

Warning: deleting a site is irreversible. Only do this once all roles have been archived and you no longer need the site anymore.

If you wish to use a custom domain for your careers site, such as or, please see our Careers Page URL Update guide for further detail on how to update this.

The cookie banner can be toggled on or off on your careers site. If the banner is on, there are various options you can select for how the consent works when people visit your careers site. Select the relevant option for your site and how you would like this to work:

To enable Google Analytics on your careers site, please enter your Google Tracking and Tag Manager ID's under the 'Google Analytics' fields:

This will allow you to collect tracking information in Google from your careers site.

Amending your Page Settings

When viewing the 'Pages' setting on your careers site, hover your cursor over the page you would like to amend and then click on 'Edit Page':

Down the left-hand side are the sections that have been added to the page. You can amend each section by clicking on the edit icon:

This will then give you the available options to amend on that section. Depending on the section type that is being edited, different options will be available.

Click on the setting you would like to update which will give you the options which you can change.

To add an additional section to a page, click on the '+' button at the bottom of the left-hand panel which will display additional '+' icons in between your sections that have already been added to the page.

Click on the '+' icon where you would like to add a new section and then select the type of section you would like to add and the layout of that section:

Note: depending on the page you are editing, only certain page sections may be available.

Vacancy Settings & Filters

To add and amend your vacancy settings and filters, edit the 'Vacancies' page, or any custom vacancy page that you have added to your site.

Vacancy Settings

To edit the settings of your vacancies page, click the edit button on the 'Vacancies' page section:

This will show you the available options you can amend which updates how vacancies are displayed as well as what information is shown to users of your site.

Vacancy Information

From the Vacancy Information section you can update what information is shown on your vacancies page. You can toggle on/off primary information, custom filter information as well as the basic job information and vacancy images.

Use the toggle buttons to switch on/off the information on your vacancies page. When doing this, the sample vacancies page shown in the right-hand section will update to show you how the vacancies page will look with the information you would like to display:


Under the layout section, you can toggle how your vacancies will be displayed on your careers site, as well as how many vacancies are displayed per page:

Vacancy Filters

You can also add filters to your vacancies page(s) on your careers site. To add filters, click on the edit button against the 'Vacancies Filters' section:

Vacancy Search

Vacancy search gives users of your careers site the option(s) to filter vacancies directly on the page. You can toggle on/off 4 options:

  • What

  • Where

  • Custom filter 1

  • Custom filter 2

This will provide free text fields or dropdown options on your vacancies page(s) for users to filter the results of your live vacancies:

Click on the toggle on/off button to add/remove the search filters from your page. If a search filter is enabled, click on the dropdown arrow to load some additional settings for that filter.

Info: to use custom search filters, you will need to create a custom filter. You can read up on how to create a custom filter in our handy article here.

Vacancy Filters

Vacancy filters can be used to filter in/out vacancies on a page. For example, if you multiple custom vacancies pages created on your careers site based on specific brands in your company, you can toggle the Vacancy Filter on and select the relevant custom filter mapping option.

When the custom filter has been added, you can select which options should be shown on the page.

In the below screenshot, the 'Support' and 'Tech' options have been selected for this page. When a role is posted on Talos and Support or Tech has been selected as the Department, that role will be shown on the page. If another option is selected, it will not be shown:

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy on your Talos system is automatically mapped to your careers site when the site was first created.

If your privacy policy has been updated since your site was created, you can update the policy on your careers site to reflect the changes.

Edit the 'Privacy Policy' page on your careers site and edit the 'Privacy Policy' section:

Click on the 'Update Privacy Policy' button to update the privacy policy on your careers site to the one that is on your main system:

Publishing your Site

When you are happy with your site, and all content has been uploaded/amended, pages created etc, you can publish your site so this becomes live which allows you to post vacancies to your careers site.

To publish your site, click on the 'Publish' button in the upper right-hand corner of the page:

Note: any time your site has been amended and the changes have been saved, you will need to publish your site again to update the live site with the new content.


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