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Right to Work Check (Trust ID)

Send a Right to Work check to a candidate for them to complete through Trust ID

Ben Gilchrist avatar
Written by Ben Gilchrist
Updated over a month ago

Talos has several 3rd party providers integrated within the system.

Learn how to manage and submit candidates to complete a Right to Work check through Trust ID so they can complete a Right to Work check.

Note: you will need access to the Trust ID user permission against your user account to be able to submit candidates to Trust ID.

Inviting a Candidate

Manual Invite

Once you have navigated to the job post the candidate has applied for, progress the candidate to any progression stage within the Offered or Hired milestone and the 'Right to Work Check' accordion will become visible.

Click on the 'Invite' button to submit a check to Trust ID for the candidate to complete:

Automatic Invite

Once you have navigated to the job post the candidate has applied for, progress the candidate to the progression stage that has been set up with the ‘Right to Work Invite’ auto action (this may be called 'Right to Work' or something similar).

Once the candidate has been progressed to this stage, the invite will automatically trigger. The status of the Right to Work check will change in the ATS to show the candidate is now In Progress:

Cancelling a Check

TrustID right to work checks will need to be cancelled and requested again for the following reasons:

  • Digital check has been requested against an incorrect email

  • Digital guest link has expired

  • In-person check has been requested against an incorrect branch

These can be cancelled using the 3-dot menu in the 'Right to Work Check' accordion on the candidate's profile.

Once the 'Cancel Check' button has been selected, a popup modal will appear with an optional notes section to provide a reason for the cancellation.

The details of a cancellation will be displayed in the accordion containing the notes, date, and user who actioned it.

After cancelling a right to work check, you can request a new one for the same candidate.

Once a new check is requested, the details from the previously cancelled check will still be visible within the accordion, including any audit information associated with the cancelled check.

Check Types

Digital Check

Trust ID will send an email to this applicant with a link for the applicant to upload their Right to Work documents and information. This check is automatically checked by Trust ID. The candidate will be able to upload a photo of a bio-metric ID and a selfie.

In Person Checks

This applicant will appear in the clients Trust ID portal and when they come in to provide their information the client can fill in this information on Trust ID. This check requires some manual intervention to complete the check. The candidate will need other documents to prove their right to work status, such as a share code and another form of ID to confirm their right to work status.

Note: the check type will need to be changed before inviting the candidate if a different check type is needed to what has been set on the job post.

Amending Default Check Type

Note: this option is only available if you are using both Digital and In Person checks on your system

Navigate to the job post you would like to amend the check type of and click on the 'Job Settings' option under the 3 dot-menu:

Click on 'Trust ID' via the left-hand settings panel and from the 'Select an Identification Type' dropdown, select the check type you would like to update that job post to:

Note: if you are changing the check type to an In Person check on a job post, a branch will also need to be selected


Once the check has been completed, the applicants status will be sent back to Talos and this will update within the 'Right to Work Check' accordion. There are four possible statuses within Talos for a check which do not include 'Not Sent' and 'In Progress':

  • Success - Continuous - this candidate has a full right to work and does not need to be checked again

  • Success - Time Limited - this candidate has a full right to work for a limited time, which will be provided by Trust ID when the next time their status will need to be reviewed

  • Rejected - this person has either been rejected for not having a valid right to work, or the information provided has been rejected due to a poor quality photo, a document issue or not enough information supplied

  • Failed - this status will only appear if the invite has failed to send to Trust ID. If this happens, you will be able to re-send the invite to the candidate. If the request fails repeatedly, p[lease raise this with the Support Team for further investigation.

Additional Information

Please also see the attached guide provided by Trust ID support on the do's and don'ts for taking a selfie for Digital Checks which can be sent to candidates.

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