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Completing a Scorecard

Score a candidate based on certain criteria using a Scorecard

Kate Jones avatar
Written by Kate Jones
Updated over a month ago

Learn how to complete a scorecard in Talos to score your candidates based off certain criteria or questions.

Scoring forms can be used to add an extra element to your recruitment process to score candidates based on how well they answered interview questions as an example.

Note: you will need access to the 'Scorecard' user permission to be able to complete candidate scorecards

Note: a scorecard will need to be assigned to the vacancy to be able to score candidates. Please see our 'Assigning Forms and Documents to a Job' guide to learn how to assign a scorecard.

Scoring Candidates

To score a candidate, click on the 'Application' accordion dropdown and then click on the 'Scoring' tab on the right-hand side of the page:

This will load the scorecard to complete against the candidate. Complete the form with the relevant answers and then click on 'Complete Scorecard' to submit your results:

Note: once you have marked your scorecard as completed, you will be unable to amend this.

Reviewing Scores

To review the scores for a candidate, click on the 'Recruiter Scoring' accordion and this will show you a breakdown of each individual scores across the top as well as a details answer list underneath:

Info: the 'Total Score' is calculated based on an average. The average is worked out as:

The total number of completed scorers divided by the total number of the scores when added up.

For example, if the total number equalled 60 and 3 scorers have completed the scoring, the total score would be 20.

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