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Candidate Timeline

The candidate timeline provides a point-in-time record of the candidates recruitment journey

Sadie Malkin avatar
Written by Sadie Malkin
Updated over 5 months ago

The Timeline, which can be reviewed against every candidate on the system, can be used to see a point-in-time view of the candidates recruitment journey.

This will give you detail on what emails have been sent to the candidate, if they have been confirmed/rejected an Interview Booking invite, any notes that have been left against their application and if they have any previous applications for other vacancies.

Viewing the Timeline

Navigate to the candidate you would like to view the Timeline of and click on the 'Timeline' accordion:

This will display the candidates timeline for you to review:

Note: You can filter the timeline by clicking on the options you would like to show/hide from the available list at the top of the timeline.

Emails can be viewed by clicking on the 'Show' button on any of the 'Email Sent' records:

Previous applications can be viewed by clicking on any of the previous application events in the timeline:

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