Dynamic killer questions can be setup with your Talos ATS and these questions can be added to the application form at the point of posting a role. This allows you to only select the relevant killer questions per role.
Note: you will need access to the Form Management permission to be able manage dynamic killer questions.
Creating Dynamic Killer Questions
Dynamic killer questions can be created within the 'Dynamic Killer Questions' administration screen, which you can access here.
Click on the 'Add New Question' box to create you question:
In the 'Question' field you can enter your question text and list the available answer options under the 'Options' section:
Note: there needs to be at least one answer option that is marked as a killer answer to be able to save your question.
Amending Dynamic Killer Questions
Select the killer question you would like to amend from the list on the left-hand side of the page and this will load the question on the right-hand side of the page (similar to creating a new question).
You can amend the question and/or answer options as required and then click on 'Save' to confirm your updates:
Archiving Dynamic Killer Questions
Select the killer question you would like to archive from the list on the left-hand side of the page and this will load the question on the right-hand side of the page (similar to creating a new question)
Click on the 'Archive' checkbox in the upper right-hand corner of the question and click on 'Save' to archive the question:
Note: once a question has been archived, it cannot be added to an application form when posting a role, however, questions can be un-archived by unticking the 'Archived' checkbox against the question.