ATR (Authority to Recruit) in Talos allows roles to be approved by certain approvers before this is posted as a live job on the system.
This allows some control on which jobs are posted on the system for candidates to apply for, as well as roles to be reviewed.
Note: you will need the ATR feature setup and process created on the system to raise ATR's.
You can learn how to create your ATR processes by using our ATR Builder guide.
Raising an ATR
To raise an ATR, you will need to access the ATR Dashboard screen and then click on the 'New Request' button:
This will show you the 'New ATR Request' pop-out window, which you can complete to raise your new ATR.
Complete any mandatory fields on the first three tabs - Vacancy Details, Reason for Recruitment and Documents - and then click 'Next' on the Documents tab to proceed to the next stage:
Any mandatory fields which have not been completed will be highlighted when you click on 'Next' on the Documents tab as well as which tab the fields need to be completed in:
Once you have completed all mandatory fields and any additional information, the 'Process Selection' tab will appear, which will allow you to choose which ATR process your ATR should follow:
Once a process has been selected, click on 'Next' and this will load the 'Approver Selection' tab, where you can review the approvers for each stage of the ATR process.
Note: if the option for raisers to select the approver is enabled, this tab will allow you to select the approvers at this stage.
Once you are happy with the ATR, click on 'Submit' at the bottom of the 'Approver Selection' tab to raise your new ATR, which will be sent to the first approver(s) to review.
Approving an ATR
If you have an ATR in your 'Awaiting my Approval' section of your ATR Dashboard, you can approve or Reject this by clicking on 'Actions' against the ATR and selecting the relevant option:
When selecting either 'Approve' or 'Reject' this will also give you the option to review the ATR detail in full:
Selecting to approve the ATR will process this to the next stage, and show you the approvers of the next stage:
Rejecting an ATR will close the ATR request and inform the raiser of the ATR why the ATR was rejecting, using the note that has been left when rejecting the ATR:
Posting an ATR
If an ATR has been fully approved this will be sent to the posters of the ATR request where they will be able to convert the ATR into a live job post.
In the 'Post Vacancy' tab, click on 'Actions' and then 'Post' to be sent to the Posting screens to post the role:
Note: you can learn how to post roles on the ATS by following our Posting a job guide.
You can also click on 'View' to view the details including who raised the ATR, the audit trail and any additional information relating to the ATR: