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ATR Builder

Learn how to manage your ATR Processes for users to raise ATR's against

Sadie Malkin avatar
Written by Sadie Malkin
Updated over 3 months ago

Using ATR to approve job posts on the ATS before these are posted as a live advert?

Learn how to setup your ATR approval processes, who can approve ATR's at certain stages as well as assign users to processes to raise ATR's against.

Note: you will need access to the ‘System Configuration' permission to have access to the ATR Builder administration screens

ATR Builder

To create and amend your ATR Processes, you will need to access the ATR Builder administration screen.

Within the ATR Builder screen, you will have tabs for Master Templates, Templates and Placeholders - these are covered in greater detail below:

Master Templates

Master Templates are used to define your ATR processes. Multiple Master Templates can be created, each with different approval steps and approvers against these approval stages.

To create a new Master Template, click on the 'New Template' button under the Master Template tab:

This will show you the 'Create new Master Template' form to complete to create your new Master Template:

Below is the list of fields when creating your Master Template approval stages, which shows the field name as well as a short description:

  • Stage Name - Name of the approval stage

  • Use Placeholder - Enable if you would like to use a placeholder to select approvers from

  • Approvers - Select either users from a list or the placeholder you would like to use for approvers at this stage

  • Minimum Approvers - The minimum number of approvers who need to approve the stage before this is progressed

  • Can Raiser Filter - Enable if the raiser can select the approver(s) of the stage

  • Can Override at this Stage - Select users who can override the ATR at this stage

  • Notify at this Stage (Talos Users) - Select users who need to be notified of the ATR being raised once it reaches the stage

  • Notify at this Stage (Non-Talos Users) - Type users emails who need to be notified of the ATR being raised once it reaches the stage

  • Next Stages - Select the next stage from the available list

  • Can Approver Filter - Enable if approvers of a stage can select the next approver this goes to

Additional stages can also be added to the Master Template by clicking on the 'Add Stage' button:

Note: as many stages can be added to your Master Template, however, we would advise that no more than 5 stages are added (not including Posting stage) as this can cause the ATR to take some time to be fully approved before this can be posted.

The Template Details section of the Master Template contains additional options which are shown below:

  • Master Template Name - The name of the Master Template

  • Can Override at any Stage - Add users who can override the ATR at any stage

  • Can Raiser Withdraw Request - Enable to allow raisers of ATR's to withdrawn their required

  • Escalation to Notifier Email - Select the email template for the notifier email when an ATR is raised or reaches a certain stage

  • Escalation to Approver Email - Select the email template for the approver when this reaches the stage they are approving the ATR at

  • Escalation to Raiser Email - Select the email template for the raiser which is sent when the ATR is raised as well as every approval stage the ATR reaches

  • Rejection to Notifier Email - Select the email template for the notifier if an ATR is rejected

  • Rejection to Approver Email - Select the email template that is sent to the approvers if an ATR is rejected

  • Rejection to Raiser Email - Select the email template that is sent to the raiser if their ATR is rejected

  • Withdrawal to Notifier Email - Select the email template that is sent to the notifier if the raiser has withdrawn their ATR

  • Withdrawal to Approver Email - Select the email template that is sent to the approver if the raiser withdraws their ATR

  • Withdrawal to Raiser Email - Select the email template that is sent to the raiser to confirm their withdrawal of their ATR

When you are happy with the setup of your Master Template, click on 'Save' in the lower right-hand corner to create your new template.

To amend a Master Template, click on the 'Actions' button and then click on 'Edit':

Warning: significant changes, such as removing/adding stages or updating the approvers in a Master Template will not take effect on any child templates that have been created based of the Master Template.

The child templates will need to be re-created and the old ones deleted.


Templates are used for raisers of ATR to raise against. These are created by selecting a Master Template to base the approval process off (stages and approvers).

To create a new template, click on the 'Templates' tab and then click on 'New Template':

The 'Add Template' pop-out window will appear where you can create you new template:

You can select the Master Template you would like to base the template off by selecting the relevant option from the dropdown:

If you are using placeholders for your approvers, additional options are shown when the Master Template is selected allowing you to select the relevant placeholder:

Give your new template a name - we would advise naming your templates so these are easily identifiable to the raisers which template to select when raising their ATR.

For Example 'Sales - Management' or 'Sales - Team Member'.

The Used When field can be used to only show specific ATR templates based on certain answers on the ATR form that the raiser enters/selects when raising their ATR.

For example, if the Finance Director needs to approve any ATR's that have a salary over £50,000, this can be setup in this field.

Note: As this needs to be setup by our 2nd Line Support team, please raise a ticket with our Support team with the criteria needed for each template and we will be happy to set this up for you.

Select the users from the 'Used by Accounts' dropdown who can select this template when raising an ATR.

Once you are happy with the setup of your template, click on 'Save' in the lower right-hand corner of the pop-up window.


Placeholders can be used to group approvers together into one placeholder or to create individual placeholders which can be grouped by the Template Name.

To create a new Placeholder, click on the 'Placeholders' tab and then select the 'New Placeholder' button:

This will show the 'Add Placeholder Replacer' pop-out window:

The Placeholder Name can be either the name of the specific approver such as 'Joe Bloggs' or the group name, such as 'Finance Approvers'.

The Placeholder Template Name can be used to group placeholders together, such as using '1st Approver'

Info: For example, you can create your approvers who are approving at the first stage of ATR's with a Placeholder Template Name of '1st Approver' (case sensitive) and this will group all of these placeholders together that have the Template Name of '1st Approver'.

When selecting the '1st Approver' against the Master Template and then creating your templates, this will give you the option to select which approver approvers each template as you create them:

From the above two screenshots, you can see that the Template Name for the Hiring Manager and Talent Team placeholders are '1st Approver'. When a template is created, the '1st Approver' dropdown shows both of these placeholders.

The 'Use Rule' is used if you only want to select certain users as approvers for the placeholder based on their account.

For example, if their job role against their user account is 'Manager'.

Note: As this needs to be setup by our 2nd Line Support team, please raise a ticket with our Support team with the criteria needed for each placeholder and we will be happy to set this up for you.

Select the relevant users from the 'Placeholder as Value' dropdown (if you are not using rules) who will be the approvers of this placeholder. Multiple users can be selected.

ATR Form

Please see the Manging ATR Extra Details Form to learn how to amend your ATR Extra Details form when users are raising an ATR.


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