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Closing Jobs

Archived and Expired jobs and what each of these statuses mean

Sadie Malkin avatar
Written by Sadie Malkin
Updated over 3 months ago

Jobs on Talos can have multiple statuses throughout the recruitment journey, including Archived and Expired.

Archived and Expired roles both share the fact that the role is no longer live on job boards for candidates to apply, however, there are also some differences which are explained in this guide.


Archived roles on Talos are when you have manually closed the job and deleted this off all job boards that it was posted to.

Archiving your jobs is beneficial, as you can close your job early if you have had a number of applicants apply and you no longer wish to advertise the role, of if you no longer require the job to be advertised any longer.

However, any job that has been archived will not be able to be reposted on the ATS.

Note: if you have archived a job and wish to readvertise this at a later date, you can copy the role, which will copy all details of the job and post this a fresh, live advert.

Archive a Job

Single Job

To archive a job post, which will remove this from all job boards the role has been posted to, click on the 3 dot menu against the job post on the Vacancies screen and then click on 'Archive':

A pop-up will be shown to confirm archiving the vacancy. Click 'Archive' to archive the job:

The role will then be marked as 'Archived' in the system and the delete request will be sent to any external job boards to remove the role.

Info: The delete request should be actioned by the external job boards within a few minutes of them receiving the request from Talos.

Multiple Jobs

You can also bulk archive job posts by selecting the tick-box next to the jobs you would like to archive, or, if you would like to archive all jobs, click on the 'Select all' tick-box and then select 'Archive' on the Bulk Actions dropdown:

A pop-up will be shown to confirm archiving the jobs:


Expired roles are when the job post naturally reaches the job post end date that has been selected during the post of the role.

Note: if a paid job board has been selected, this could expire prior to the job expiring on your careers page if the careers page post has been set with a long date, as job board credits have a maximum length before expiring.

Leaving a role open for the full length of the post is beneficial, as this will ensure you use the full length of the post so this is open for longer so candidates are able to apply for the role.

Expired roles, which differ from Archived, can be reposted once they have expired from all job boards.

Bulk Expire

There is also an option to bulk expire job posts from your careers page (which will also remove the job from the free feeds such as Indeed).

To bulk expire multiple jobs from your careers page select the tick-box next to the jobs you would like to expire, or, if you would like to expire all live roles, click on the 'Select All' tick-box and then select 'Expire' from the Bulk Actions menu:

A pop-up will be shown to confirm expiring the selected roles from your careers page:

Remove role from Specific Job Boards

There is also the option to remove a job post from a specific job board. This is useful if you no longer wish to advertise the role on certain job boards, but would still like to keep the role live on other boards.

To remove the job from specific boards, click on the 'x Job Board' against the job post which will take you to the 'Full Post History' screen for that job post.

Click on the 'Delete' button next to the job boards you would like to remove the role from, which will send the delete request to that job board to remove the role:


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