Need to book an interview with candidates? Or do you need to manage an already booked interview? This helpful guide will run you through using the Interview Booking feature in Talos!
Booking an Interview
Navigate to the candidate's application that you would like to invite to an interview and progress them to an 'In Progress' stage that has been setup with the Interview Booking action:
The Interview Booking page will load, which will allow you to setup the details of the interview for the candidate:
You can select or update the below within the Interview Booking screen:
Primary Interviewer
Additional Interviewers
If the candidate can select their own interview slot
Who the email is to be sent from for the invite
The date and time of the interview
The type of interview (physical location, telephone or video)
The candidate the slot is for (if selecting pre-defined slots)
Ability to amend the email template before sending
To select a primary interview for the interview, click on the 'Primary Interviewer' dropdown and select the relevant option from the available list:
Information: if any global slots are available for the primary interview, these will be listed in the booking screen. For further information on global slots, please see our guide here.
To add any additional interviews, click on the 'Add' button under the 'Additional Interviewers' section:
Select if the additional interview is an internal interviewer (a user who has an account on Talos) or an external interview.
For an internal interview, you can select the user from the dropdown list. An external interviewer will need some basic information completing, as shown below:
You can setup as many additional interviewers as required.
Interview Slot
A default slot will always be added when creating a booking, which will be the one day later of the booking date, at 9-10am. This default slot can be amended by updating the details as required:
Additional slots can be added by selecting the relevant option:
Information: for Assessment Centre's, please see our guide here, which goes into further detail in creating and managing your Assessment Centre slots.
Add Interview slot adds one additional slot to the booking, which can be amended as needed
Quick Create Slots gives you the ability to create multiple slots for the booking. This is useful if you are inviting multiple candidates:
Email Template
Once you have setup the details of the booking, you have the option to view the email that will be sent to the candidate and amend this if required:
Note: if you have selected the option for candidates to select their own slot, the email template that needs to be amended will need to be the 'Edit Selectable Slot Template:
Once you are happy with the details of the interview, click on 'Send' in the lower right-hand corner of the page to send the invite.
Interview Booking List
The Interview Booking List gives you an overview of candidates who are sat within the In Progress milestone against that particular vacancy.
You can see information on:
Candidates who have accepted an interview slot
Candidates who are yet to accept their slot
Candidates who have declined the interview
Uninvited candidates
Empty slots that have been created against that vacancy
Past interview slots
You can also create interview slots against a vacancy from the Booking List, by clicking on 'Create Slots' in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Cancel or Reschedule
You can cancel or reschedule an interview on a candidates behalf if they have been invited to a specific time slot, by dropping down the 'Pending Invites' section and selecting the relevant option:
Information: rescheduling the interview will redirect you to the Interview Booking page so you are able to make the required changes to the slot.
Uninvited Candidates
Uninvited candidates can be invited to an interview from the booking list by selecting the checkbox next to the candidates name, and clicking on the Invite Selected to Interview' pop-up button in the lower right-corner of the screen: